
Wisdom from my photographer

DSC_5200 I’ve mentioned I love my photographer right?

Well, first things first… she has a blog that you simply must go see. NOW. In fact, this stunning image is hers. Wonderful stuff.

But secondly, I sent her an email letting her know so new wedding information. (PS. How great is a photographer who actually cares about you and your wedding?!?!) I also let her know that I was losing my job. To which she gave me a perspective in my misery I had failed to notice. That it may be a blessing in disguise. That I can focus on *gasp* other things. Like my writing which I have been neglecting for ages, my wedding plans, Jonathon, and what I really want to do with my life… which by the way is not be a secretary.

I would like to teach English. Mostly to college students, but I think I might get my Master’s in Education, my teaching certificate and teach high school to get me through my Doctorate. Which is so not a bad idea.

And who said photographers only take great pictures?

*It also means more time to get in shape for the wedding.

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