
The Ceremony

Jonathon and I have started working on two of my favorite parts of the wedding. The ceremony and the stationary. Yesterday, (with a little help and push in the right direction from my mom) we finally make an absolute choice on what we are doing for our STDs. We even got started working on them since we are individualizing the names on them it will take us several days (if not weeks) to finish the design. Then, we will print and stamp them. It's going to be cute. After I send them out I will upload pics to show you.

We have narrowed down our readings. We will have several people do readings for us. We have picked our vows and what we would like our officiant to say. I just need to work it all out together. It will probably be a rather longer ceremony than most people are used to.

Here's a rough outline and our vows.

Opening Remarks from Dr. R.
Blessing from MF? (maybe if she can attend)
The readings
(I would like to fit in these next two, but I am not sure if I can.)
I would like to have the choir or a choir sing Feels Like Home x Chantel K.
And I would like to somehow work in an excerpt from a musical.
Then, the vows. (We are doing a non-traditional set I do not want to share yet.)
And these:

I, (name), take thee (name) , to be my (wife/husband) ,to have and to hold, from this day forward,for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,till death do us part, and thereto I pledge thee my faith.

**These are traditional Methodist vows. We are being wed in a Methodist chapel by a Methodist minister it only makes sense, plus there is a deeper meaning to these vows as well.

Then, ring ceremony.
Bell Ringing
Grand Exit

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