We started working on a ceremony script from day one almost. We culled through thousands of readings, vows, religious texts, etc to come up with a ceremony we loved. Then, we changed it. Then, we got married civilly before the wedding and had to change it again. The end result was a ceremony that reflected Jonathon and I.
He stumbled through the first "repeat after me section" and then after that Dr. Roberts decided to only have us repeat a few words at a time. The result was us laughing and smiling and having a great time with it. With a few tears in between.
5:09 – Please be seated. *Pause* If we could all first partake in the time honored ceremony of turning off all electronic devices. *Pause* Amalauna and Jonathon have requested that you remain seated for photography after the ceremony.
Opening Thoughts/ Welcome
5:12 - Dear friends on this
Amalauna and Jonathon have been married by the law of the state of North Carolina, and they have made a solemn contract with each other. Now, in faith, they come before the witness of the Church to declare their marriage covenant and to acknowledge God’s good news for their lives.
5:15 - Let us pray.
Eternal God, creator and preserver of all life, author of salvation, giver of all grace: bless and sanctify with your Holy Spirit Jonathon and Amalauna, who come now asking for your blessing upon their marriage. Grant that they may reaffirm their vows to each other in the strength of your steadfast love. Enable them to grow in love and peace with you and each other all their days, that they may reach out in concern and service to the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Declaration of Intent to Marry
5:20 – Amalauna and Jonathon, you have came here today to seek the blessings of God and of the Church upon your marriage.
Jonathon you have taken Amalauna to be your lawful husband. Now you wish to declare, before God and this congregation, your desire that your married life should be according to God’s will.
Jonathon, do you take Amalauna as your wife, your friend, and your life partner? Do you promise to love her more than UT football, take care of her, laugh with her, and hold her?
(Jonathon presumably says I do.)
Amalauna you have taken Jonathon to be your lawful husband. Now you wish to declare, before God and this congregation, your desire that your married life should be according to God’s will.
Amalauna, do you take Jonathon as your husband, your friend, and your life partner? Do you promise to love him during football AND baseball seasons, take care of him, encourage him, and laugh with him?
(Amalauna presumably says I do.)
Jonathon and Amalauna will you accept one another as equal partners in your marriage? Will you continue to love and respect each other and to communicate fully and fearlessly with each other? Will you always strive to support, encourage, and inspire one another? Together will you create a home that is filled with culture, good food, and laugher?
(Presumably we both say together, we will.)
If you will both repeat after me.
I promise to encourage your individuality, because that is what makes you unique.
I promise to nurture your dreams, because through them your soul shines.
I promise to help shoulder our challenges for there is nothing we cannot overcome if we stand together.
I promise to share the joys with you in life because with you they are much sweeter.
Lastly, I promise to you unconditional love and complete trust for one lifetime with you could never be enough.
Reading One – read by Hope
5:30 – "To My Valentine" by Ogden Nash
More than a catbird hates a cat,
Or a criminal hates a clue,
Or the Axis hates the United States,
That's how much I love you.
I love you more than a duck can swim,
And more than a grapefruit squirts,
I love you more than a gin rummy is a bore,
And more than a toothache hurts.
As a shipwrecked sailor hates the sea,
Or a juggler hates a shove,
As a hostess detests unexpected guests,
That's how much you I love.
I love you more than a wasp can sting,
And more than the subway jerks,
I love you as much as a beggar needs a crutch,
And more than a hangnail irks.
I swear to you by the stars above,
And below, if such there be,
As the High Court loathes perjurious oathes,
That's how you're loved by me.
Friends and Family Responses
5:35 – As these two people are joined, so are their friends and families united through them. Their lives will be strengthened and enriched by your support and love. They ask for your blessing. Please signify your blessing by answering, "I will."
Loved ones, I ask you today if you will support Amalauna and Jonathon in their marriage. Will you rejoice in their union and pray God’s blessing upon them?
Friends: I will.
Reading Two read by Jane
5:37 – Excerpt from "The Last Five Years" by Jason Robert Brown
Will you share your life with me
For the next ten lifetimes?
For a million summers
Till the world explodes
Till there's no one left who has ever known us apart
There are so many dreams I need to see with you...
There are so many years I need to be with you...
I will never be complete
I will never be alive
I will never change the world
Until I do
Candle Light Ceremony
5:39 – All of you are points of light in the lives of Amalauna and Jonathon. Each of you have led or guided them at some point. Your light has lit their souls and kept them on the right path. Tonight, they recognize this with a candle light ceremony. If you would stand and light your candle as the flame is passed around. We will all illuminate this winter night with our spirit. Jonathon and Amalauna are also lighting candles to recognize the lights of the people in their lives that they have loved and are past. (Jonathan Roach will start playing Feels Like Home and then Kristen can hit the lights. Amalauna and Jonathon will light their candles. The lighters will come to the stage and light their candles. Then, they will light the grandparents and the end of the rows. It will work like any other candle light ceremony.)
Traditional Vows
5:47 – During their civil ceremony, Amalauna and Jonathon made vows to each other in the faith of their love. They would like to share them with you and reaffirm those vows as well.
Amalauna repeat after me. I, Amalauna, take thee Jonathon to be my husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish, till death do us part, and thereto I pledge thee my faith.
Jonathon repeat after me. I, Jonathon, take thee Amalauna to be my wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish, till death do us part, and thereto I pledge thee my faith.
Blessing of Rings
5:52 – Bless, O Lord, the wearing of these rings that they who wear them may live in your peace all the days of their lives. Amen.
5: 54 – You have declared your consent and vows before God and this congregation. May God confirm your covenant and fill you both with grace.
Jonathon and Amalauna you are husband and wife according to the witness of Christ’s universal church, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Those, whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder. Amen.
5:56 – An ancient belief proclaims that when a couple in love kisses, a little bit of each other's soul is transported to abide in the other. And what better time than now to share your souls and a kiss?
Closing Blessing
5:58 – Dr. Roberts may say a prayer or blessing of his choice here.
Presentation of Couple
6:03 –Dr. Roberts you can present us however you like just use Jonathon and Amy Brock as our names.
May your bodies always be the dwelling place of the love and joy that you feel today, as hand in hand, you look fearlessly towards your future together.
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